Chapter 3: Child’s Play

 “Scară, Otravă what art thou doing in their crib?” Voica exclaimed at the two twelve foot black emerald snake with jade colored eyes.

The one called Scară had a red stripe down the center of her perfectly black spine while the other one, Otravă had two stripes of silver and a single stripe of gold.

Otravă turned her slender silverlined head slightly, then open her mouth to show the three inch long fangs pertruding out of her slimy mucus infested mouths. Scară, spotting his sister preparing for a strike approached her and prepared himself as well for the assault upon the other child.

Hissing softly Otravă and Scară  cocked their heads and propaired to strike at the infants’ throats, but just an instant before the serpants struck, Draco and Drakan grabbed them by their jaws, and ripped their jaws asunder. Draco and Drakan then brought the bloody serpents to their mouths and indulged in the sweet taste of blood, the sickly sound of slurping and sucking filled the castle air as the infants feed for their very first time in this world.

Voica, hearing the blood wrenching sounds of suckling and laughter came to investigate upon her offspring. What she found though was a bloodbath of snake guts and babies laughing in sadistic glee.

. “La Dracu!” she swore when she saw the disarray and quickly called upon her husband. “Mihnea, the children have finally fed, but on the snakes.” She exclaimed fearfully.

“On the snakes?” he stated inquisitively as he entered the room.

“Vlad!” the couple shouted in unison.

A few minutes passed with no response, yet no answer returned to them. Again they called yet again no answer. Finally out of desperation Mihnea left the room in an attempt to find the lord of the night.

Moments after furious searching, Vlad was found sleeping in the study with a book entitled “Fang the Gnome” By an author of the name of “Michael G Coney” over his eyes.

“Wake up ye old bat! Thou art needed,” shouted an enraged and partially frightened Mihnea

“Call me an old bat again and I will put thou in the iron maiden! Now what is it?” Vlad shouted at the inferior

“Drakan and Draco have fed off the snakes. What should we do?” asked Mihnea

“How about GO AWAY!!!?” Vlad shouts yet again.

Mihnea walks back through the dark corridors of the estate counting the doors he passes subconsciously twenty-seven….twenty-eight….twenty-nine…thir… BOOM! A loud shattering sound entered through the floors above.