Rigor mortis had struck the air on the day of our birth; the clouds were dark and mellow through the outlying abyss of a world. The date is July 14, 1483. The icy peaks of the Carpathians glowed in the darkness surrounding this unholy ceremony which hell itself fears to approach in thought of being overcome and demolished by the succumbing of that of sadistic pleasure. In the distance the aurora borealis gleamed into a bloody red swirl below a red moon.

It is time,” said a mysterious and ominous voice.

“Nay the time is still to come,” said a dark feminine voice

“Voica, it is time my love, to bring those bloody îngeri out of thee,” said a strong and dark masculine toward the female.

 “Come with me,” said the mysterious voice again as he led them to a giant granite table engraved with mass runes that read

That who is born in the darkness of night shall be reborn as the siege of       hell

Around the border of the table had a black lining circumventing the spherical indentation in the center. On the side of the table is a dual blade samurai Katana with runes of death and strength on the base of the black ivory hilt embedded with black sapphires and an apocalyptic dragon skull on the bottom.

“Lie down on the center Voica,” said the mysterious voice.

“Yes Father,” said Voica as she climbed upon the spherical indentation.

“It is time to do what ye Mihnea cel Rău have to do to bring thou  offspring to this desolate plain of existence,” said the mysterious voice that is clearly revered as Vlad Ţepeş.

“Aye,” said Mihnea as he pick up the cursed katana and slices open the womb of his wife, then enters his hand through the gap that was just produced and pulled out a boy.

“Aye, a boy, his name shall be Draco întuneric Dracul von Ţepeş,” declared Mihnea.

 “Wait! Look yonder, there is another!” Cried Voica in a sense of despair. Mihnea reaches in again and brings out another boy.

“Another boy; his name shall be Vla...” said Mihnea, but is interrupted by Vlad

“Drakan shall be his name,” announces Vlad

“Aye, a fine name father,” declared Mihnea and Voica in unison.

Voica stands up, oblivious to her injuries, and holds the babies then she shrieks in surprise.

“What’s wrong Voica?” Uttered Vlad and Mihnea in unison.

 “The boys, they are…. genetically malformed; they are more than vampires. They have a certain aura to them. Come yonder and feel it.” As Vlad and Mihnea approach the baby they sense great power within and exclaim: “these will make great warriors in the years to come. They shall end the war of the blood and begin a new reign, the reign of sânge.”

“Look!” Shrieked Voica, directing everyone to Draco who is “fanging” on his hand, while his brother grabbed for the sword lying yonder on the granite table.

“They are hungry and wish to fight,” said Voica.

“Aye, so am I let us go out to feast upon the mortals at hand,” said Mihnea as they flew off into the cold night air.

All had left, all but Vlad. As he gazed into the distance at the point of which the others had dissipated into the night air he heard some crying. He turned around and he spotted the place of disturbance. It was Drakan; they had left him behind. Vlad walked over to the unfortunate child and tsked to himself. 

They are not ready to parent, art they young one?” Drakan grabbed at an amulet dangling from his grandfather’s neck. “Ah, I’ve seen that you have spotted the family amulet.” Vlad removes the amulet from around his neck and places it around Drakan’s.

“You listen here and remember these words: “Death is the portal to life, to die is just to be reborn into something greater. Life is the true end, and death is just the beginning.”

A scream echoes through the midnight air as Mihnea and Voica discover that they have left Drakan. At the point of which they return they discover that their father had been tending to Drakan.

“Thank you, father for thy nutriment toward our son.”

It’s my duty toward the family; it’s no big deal.”

“Now how about we go feed, yonder children look famished.”

At this they all take to the sky and fly across the silver lined, snow covered mountain ranges of the Carpathians while the twinkle in the moon lit night air. They flew for nearly an hour until they came upon a majestic city with golden gateways and houses made of valuable materials such as iron, copper, and brass with an overcoat of dense and exotic woods. As they approached the center of the town all the civilians on the streets ran into their into houses fear of the creatures, yet to come from the rugged midnight terrain. Finally, upon their travel for food, they came upon a wooded shack with no front door. They walk toward the entrance and bellow through the door way.

 “Hello is anyone in there?” No sound came out from the run down shack, so they called again. “Hello?”

 This time a voice responded. "Enter young ones. Take part in bread and wine."